Medical Facilities
We have facility to handle casualities like accidents, Strokes, burns, poisoning, High fevers, trauma, Gynaecology and Obstetrics emergencies etc. round the clock. Your relief is our satisfaction. Dedicated staff is available for immediate attention. All specialty doctors are available to handle the emergencies and the causality has an attached ICU for support.
Orthopilot Computer Navigation:
Sravani Hospital is proud to bring to Guntur for the first time, world class comprehensive computer navigation system. This is the best and advanced technique which delivers the perfect Joint replacement.
Computer-assisted technology has made it possible to navigate joint replacement procedures with a level of accuracy so precise it may improve the results of your surgery.
Perfect Joint Alignment
Most Accurate Implant Placements
Faster Recovery
Lifetime Knee Replacement
Less scarring
Minimally Invasive Procedure
Zero Percent Error
Improved load distribution across the implant
Increased prospective implant longevity
Improved prospective joint function
Increased mobility and stability
The Vision of sravani is to provide the latest operating system, with precision cutting edge technology in image guided surgery techniques, with the industries best medical expertise and implants.